
How To Make Raspados De Vainilla

Mango Raspados Pin

Raspados Mexicanos are the reply to sweeten upward your day and cool you lot downwardly. This version of shaved ice features fluffy ice topped with fresh, juicy mangoes and other tasty garnishes like chamoy and tamarind.

Not a mango fan? At that place are then many flavors to try!

Mango Raspado in a Cup
Attempt this raspado recipe for your adjacent treat!
Table of Contents
  • 📖 Nearly
  • 🍲 Ingredients
  • 🔪 Instructions
  • 🌡️ Storage
  • 💭 Tips & variations
  • 🍴 Tasting notes
  • 📋 Recipe
  • ♻️ Similar recipes
  • 💬 FAQ

📖 About

If yous're an ice foam or popsicle person, then you lot're in luck! This raspado recipe is sweet, refreshing, and extremely piece of cake to make at habitation.

What are raspados?

Yous may know raspados as shaved water ice since this treat exists in pretty much every country in the globe. Some other names for raspados include raspas, snow cones, piraguas, or granizados, just to name a few.

In Mexico, you'll observe raspados (or raspas) served by street vendors and paleterías equally a tasty manner to cool off from the rut.

Raspados are made by starting time shaving fresh ice into a cup, then topping information technology with a sweetened mixture. There are a broad variety of flavors to choose from, only mutual ones include mango, pineapple, tamarind, rompope , lime, and guava.

This mango raspado recipe is filled with natural flavors and skips the food coloring or boosted syrups. It's also quite similar to a mangonada , but the mangoes are not composite in with the ice.

Are raspados vegan?

Yes and no. There are a lot of raspados that contain condensed or evaporated milk (depending on the season or if it'southward drizzled on top).

For this recipe, we kept information technology plant-based, unproblematic, and good for you. Nosotros simply utilize fresh fruit as the base for our topping!


Considering this dessert is and then popular all over the globe, it has probable evolved over many fourth dimension periods, regions, and groups of people.

One of the first written accounts mentioning shaved ice is said to be in 27 B.C.Due east. Nero, the Roman Emperor at the time, would have slaves collect snowfall from the mountains to be served with fruit and honey.

In the 1800s in Hawaii, Japanese immigrants began cooling off with shaved ice after a day'southward piece of work on carbohydrate and pineapple fields.

The concept "kakigori," meaning "shaved ice," came to be because they used their tools to shave ice off of big blocks and coated this with fruit juice and sugar.

Shaved ice became "raspado" in Mexico, meaning "shaved." It is now served all over the country in various flavors like tamarind, cajeta , lime, pineapple, etc.

One matter is for sure — people of all ages, ethnicities, and cultures seem to love the sweet, refreshing flavors of raspados.


Serve your raspa immediately after making it to avert a melted mess! All you need is a spoon, napkin, chair, and you're proficient to become.

Drizzle some chamoy on top or a few chamoy candies for extra flavor and texture, making your treat a petty more like a mangonada .

Mangoes, Sugar, and Cups
Use whichever fruit you adopt in this raspado recipe

🍲 Ingredients

For a complete ingredient list and step-by-footstep guide, roll downward to our recipe menu.

  • Fruit: We love the flavour of mangoes, but feel gratis to utilize other fruit like pineapple, tamarind, strawberries, limes, or guavas.
  • Sugar: Nosotros use cane sugar to make the fruit syrup, simply you can add together a more natural sweetener similar piloncillo . This type of unrefined sugar contains healthy amounts of iron .
  • Ice: Shaved ice is a must-have to make this recipe. It's best to apply a blender unless you have an ice-scraper and a big cake of ice.
Cubed Mangoes in a Bowl
Cube your mangoes (or other fruits)

🔪 Instructions

If you take questions near making raspados Mexicanos, don't forget to bank check out our FAQ section at the bottom of this post.

Stride ane: Bring the h2o and sugar to a simmer in a saucepan. In the meantime, peel and cube the mangoes into small pieces. Add them to the saucepan and bring to a simmer once again until the mangoes are soft.

Mango Syrup in a Pot
Simmer the fruit mixture

Step 2: One time softened, mash the mangoes with a potato masher and permit the mixture reduce into a syrup-like consistency. Remove it from heat and allow the mixture cool for a few hours before serving.

Hand Holding a Potato Masher Over a Pot of Mango Syrup
Mash the mangoes a little

Step 3: Add together 1-2 cups of ice cubes to a blender and mix until the water ice is crushed (like shaved ice). Don't fill up your blender upward too high!

Blended Ice in a Blender
Your ice should wait something like this

Pace 4: Transfer some ice to a cup and pack information technology in.

Shaved Ice in a Cup
Pack the ice into a serving cup

Step 5: Add most a ½ loving cup of fruit mixture overtop the ice.

Mango Raspado in a Cup
Top with mango syrup and chamoy

Pace half dozen: Enjoy as-is or drizzle your raspa with chamoy. Happy eating!

🌡️ Storage

Raspados Mexicanos are quick and like shooting fish in a barrel to make if you continue some fruit mix on manus. Follow these tips for optimal storage.


Go along the mango mixture in your refrigerator in an airtight glass container for up to a week. Yous'll be able to elevation some other raspado at a moment's discover.


As long as information technology's stored in freezer-rubber containers, the mango mixture will freeze well for upward to 3 months. When you're fix to make another raspado, thaw the fruit mixture in your fridge overnight.

Mango Raspado in a Cup
Enjoy your refreshing treat!

💭 Tips & variations

We'd like to share some tips and variations we learned while experimenting with making raspados Mexicanos at home:

  • Get sugar complimentary. If you lot don't want any added sugar, raspados are bully with stewed fruit (utilise half the amount of liquid).
  • Adjust the consistency. For more texture, don't mash the fruit at all. For a smoother consistency, you lot can blend the syrup. The choice is yours!
  • Switch up the fruit. Other fruits that work well include raspberries, cherries, tamarind, guava, lime, pineapple, and more.
  • Make the fruit alee of fourth dimension. Since the fruit mixture stores so well, make it ahead of fourth dimension if y'all're preparing it for a political party or gathering.
  • Make a grown up version. For a piddling extra flavor and oomph, endeavour calculation tequila to the fruit mixture before serving.

🍴 Tasting notes

We consider raspados Mexicanos to be a universally delicious care for, wouldn't you say? They're:

  • Sugariness
  • Refreshing
  • Cold
  • Fun
  • Salubrious

If you try making raspados Mexicanos, delight rate the recipe and get out the states a comment beneath! Want to stay up-to-date with new recipes?Subscribe to our newsletter or connect with Broke Bank Vegan on social media. Happy eating!

📋 Recipe

Mango Raspado in a Cup

Raspados Mexicanos

Curb your sweet tooth with a frozen raspado Mexicano. Fresh mango is cooked down and served on shaved ice for a treat you won't soon forget!

Prevents your screen from going nighttime

Prep Time 5 mins

Cook Time 30 mins

Chill Fourth dimension two hrs

Total Time ii hrs 35 mins

Course Dessert

Cuisine Gluten-Gratis, Mexican, Vegan

Servings viii servings

Calories 127 kcal

  • Saucepan

  • Potato masher

  • High-speed blender

  • 2 cups water ($0.01)
  • 1 cup cane sugar* ($0.04)
  • 2 mangoes, peeled and cubed ($0.55)
  • Ice cubes ($0.01)
  • Kickoff, add h2o and sugar to a saucepan. Bring to a simmer and let sugar to dissolve.

  • In the meantime, skin and cube the mangoes into small pieces. Add together them to the pot and bring to a simmer again for 10 minutes, or until the mangoes are soft.

  • In one case softened, roughly mash the mangoes with a potato masher and let the mixture reduce into a syrup-similar consistency, about another 15 minutes. Remove from oestrus and allow cool for a few hours before serving.


  • Add together 1-2 cups of ice cubes to a blender and mix until the ice is crushed (like shaved ice). Transfer ice to a cup and pack it in.

  • Add together about a ½ cup of fruit mixture overtop the ice. Enjoy equally-is or drizzle with chamoy and garnish with tamarind or chamoy candies. Happy eating!

  • *Replace 1 loving cup cane sugar with a 225-gram cone of piloncillo for a richer season.
  • Use other fruits similar pineapple, strawberries, raspberries, tamarind, or lime.
  • Nosotros calculate nutritional information for our recipes with Cronometer.
  • Recipe toll calculations are based on ingredients local to usa and may vary from recipe-to-recipe.
  • All prices are in USD.

Serving: 1 raspado | Calories: 127 kcal | Carbohydrates: 32.7 1000 | Poly peptide: 0.four g | Fat: 0.2 g | Saturated Fat: 0.1 g | Polyunsaturated Fatty: 0.1 g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0.1 g | Trans Fat: 0 yard | Cholesterol: 0 mg | Sodium: iii.7 mg | Potassium: 87.4 mg | Fiber: 0.8 g | Sugar: 32 one thousand | Vitamin A: 559.ix IU | Vitamin C: 18.eight mg | Calcium: mg | Atomic number 26: 0.i mg

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♻️ Similar recipes

For more than tasty ways to incorporate fruit into your treats, check out our other recipes like:

  • Mangonada to try this similarly ice-common cold, mango-infused beverage layered with chamoy and served with a tamarind candy straw.
  • Fresas con crema for a light, creamy, and juicy dessert made with cashew cream and fresh strawberries.
  • Carlota de limón for a five-ingredient dessert that's easy to make and filled with creamy, tangy, and sweet flavors.
  • Strawberry tamales to try a sweet version of tamales that are infused with strawberries and topped with jam.


Are rapsados Mexicanos salubrious?

When made with minimal sugar or sweetener, raspadaos Mexicanos are an extremely healthy dessert. If you want to make this recipe even healthier, omit the carbohydrate altogether.

Is the fruit necessary in raspados?

Non at all! Many people brand vanilla, java, cajeta, or horchata raspados. Use whatever flavors y'all think will taste the all-time.

Are raspados Mexicanos gluten-complimentary?

This raspado recipe is both gluten-free and vegan.


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